Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

There is a leaderboard now! Go to NeunEinser's Discord,
and use the /score command in the #bot-commands channel.

Version 5.1.1 for Minecraft 1.20.2

Friday 27 October 2023

Bingo 1


Bone BlockLime DyePink Glazed TerracottaBucket of SalmonGlass Bottle
Firework RocketDeepslate Tile WallMilk BucketMagma BlockEmerald
CrossbowPistonAcacia Hanging SignGlow BerriesJack o'Lantern
Block of Raw CopperDripstone BlockLapis LazuliBlock of RedstoneFletching Table
SnowCherry SaplingRabbit HideAcacia SaplingCocoa Beans


Bingo 2


Dripstone BlockMinecart with ChestMuddy Mangrove RootsGlow Ink SacLime Dye
Firework RocketBrushBone BlockDead BushGlass Bottle
SnowPaintingCherry SaplingDetector RailRaw Salmon
Minecart with FurnaceCalciteBlock of RedstoneLeadMilk Bucket
Magma BlockPink Glazed TerracottaDried KelpDeepslate Tile WallSweet Berries


25 Items in 25 Minutes


Ender PearlMilk BucketAcacia Hanging SignAmethyst ShardSpruce Sapling
Gray DyeHay BaleDead BushRabbit HideBlock of Redstone
SmokerPointed DripstoneEmeraldActivator RailApple
Orange ConcreteBlock of Raw CopperPurple DyeDried Kelp BlockDeepslate
Mud BricksPistonFlower PotSweet BerriesScaffolding




Rabbit HidePumpkin SeedsActivator RailStonecutterGlow Ink Sac
PistonBlock of AmethystBoneSweet BerriesDripstone Block
Empty MapCherry SaplingEnchanted BookCyan DyeGreen Dye
Big DripleafSnowTNTMinecart with HopperEgg
Dried KelpMushroom StewSea PicklePink Glazed TerracottaMuddy Mangrove Roots

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