Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

There is a leaderboard now! Go to NeunEinser's Discord,
and use the /score command in the #bot-commands channel.

Version 5.1.1 for Minecraft 1.20.2

Friday 08 March 2024

Bingo 1


Golden SwordMangrove PropaguleSea PickleTropical FishInk Sac
FernBonePaintingPointed DripstonePiston
Green DyeFlower PotMilk BucketMinecart with ChestDetector Rail
Muddy Mangrove RootsCauldronSmokerPurple DyeBlock of Redstone
LeadCherry SaplingRabbit HideOrange ConcreteGlow Item Frame


Bingo 2


Fermented Spider EyeMagma BlockMuddy Mangrove RootsTargetEmpty Map
Block of Lapis LazuliRailDried KelpItem FrameSnow
SmokerMinecart with ChestPink Glazed TerracottaSuspicious StewPumpkin Pie
Birch SaplingEmeraldTuffRed BedFern
Pointed DripstoneMelon SliceSticky PistonBlock of RedstoneRaw Cod


25 Items in 25 Minutes


Mushroom StewBucket of Tropical FishMuddy Mangrove RootsMagma BlockAcacia Hanging Sign
Amethyst ShardBrushBlock of RedstoneFlowering AzaleaPink Glazed Terracotta
Heart of the SeaPumpkin SeedsMinecart with HopperBoneSweet Berries
Blast FurnaceCakeHay BaleDeepslateRail
SnowBambooPistonDead BushLapis Lazuli




Bucket of CodFermented Spider EyeActivator RailJack o'LanternCrossbow
Dried Kelp BlockPaintingPurple DyeBlock of RedstoneFlint
StonecutterGlow Item FrameSnowMinecart with HopperDiamond Axe
Blast FurnaceDripstone BlockEmeraldCooked RabbitGreen Dye
Sea PickleCalciteArrowOrange ConcreteEgg

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