Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

Version 5.1.3 for Minecraft 1.20.6

Friday 20 December 2024

Bingo 1


Pink Glazed TerracottaHay BaleDried KelpBlock of IronSmoker
Block of AmethystPointed DripstoneCyan DyeMinecart with HopperBlock of Raw Copper
Bone BlockFlintCrossbowBookCooked Rabbit
Dead BushJukeboxEmeraldSnowFermented Spider Eye
Ender PearlMushroom StewCompassRaw SalmonGray Dye


Bingo 2


Milk BucketGlow Item FrameDried KelpMelonAcacia Hanging Sign
Block of Raw GoldMinecart with FurnaceGunpowderObsidianRabbit Hide
SnowSticky PistonRed BedFlintPointed Dripstone
CompassSea PickleEggLapis LazuliJack o'Lantern
Redstone RepeaterMushroom StewGreen DyeRaw SalmonCrossbow


25 Items in 25 Minutes


Flower PotLime DyeCooked RabbitTropical FishFletching Table
SnowSweet BerriesPaintingGray DyeMuddy Mangrove Roots
Deepslate Tile WallMinecart with FurnaceAcacia Hanging SignBrushPumpkin Pie
Orange ConcreteSuspicious StewHay BaleRedstone RepeaterGlow Lichen
Diamond AxeEmeraldMilk BucketEnder PearlCalcite




Milk BucketFernSea PickleDried Kelp BlockPink Glazed Terracotta
StonecutterRed BedEggPurple DyeDark Oak Sapling
HopperScaffoldingRabbit HideCompassGlow Ink Sac
Exposed Cut CopperHeart of the SeaCherry SaplingMuddy Mangrove RootsHay Bale
Gray DyeMagma BlockRaw CodFletching TableBlast Furnace

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Previous Weeks:

73 72 71 70

69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40

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