Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

There is a leaderboard now! Go to NeunEinser's Discord,
and use the /score command in the #bot-commands channel.

Version 5.1.1 for Minecraft 1.20.2

Friday 12 January 2024

Bingo 1



SnowJack o'LanternHay BaleCracked Deepslate BricksGunpowder
Sea PicklePointed DripstoneBoneFernCocoa Beans
Tropical FishFlint and SteelSpruce SaplingRabbit HideGolden Apple
Fermented Spider EyeMuddy Mangrove RootsRed BedOrange ConcreteCauldron
Cherry Boat with ChestDiamond SwordLapis LazuliLeadDried Kelp


Bingo 2



Cocoa BeansSpore BlossomCherry SaplingGreen DyeBlock of Raw Iron
Hay BalePumpkin SeedsCakePurple DyeBrush
Empty MapRed BedAcacia SaplingCooked RabbitRail
Packed MudFernObsidianCalciteSuspicious Stew
FlintHeart of the SeaSea PickleGolden ApplePointed Dripstone


25 Items in 25 Minutes



Diamond SwordBlock of RedstoneFermented Spider EyeHopperRaw Salmon
CrossbowSmokerCooked RabbitOrange ConcreteGlow Ink Sac
Sticky PistonBirch SaplingAppleCalciteInk Sac
Dried KelpGunpowderTargetPointed DripstonePumpkin Pie
Mushroom StewMagma BlockFlint and SteelBrushLime Dye




(suggested by Pinktemperance)

Fletching TableItem FrameSpore BlossomRedstone RepeaterApple
Minecart with FurnaceDark Oak SaplingCherry SaplingCyan DyeSnow
CalciteFernGlow Ink SacRailCookie
Green DyeSuspicious StewGunpowderOrange ConcreteDripstone Block
Mud BricksPumpkin SeedsTargetAcacia Hanging SignSpider Eye

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