Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

There is a leaderboard now! Go to NeunEinser's Discord,
and use the /score command in the #bot-commands channel.

Version 5.1.3 for Minecraft 1.20.6

Friday 03 May 2024

Bingo 1



Milk BucketMuddy Mangrove RootsPistonEnchanted BookBrush
CrossbowSpyglassRailItem FrameFern
Pumpkin PieOrange ConcreteMelonPink PetalsRed Bed
Fermented Spider EyeMinecart with ChestFirework RocketAcacia SaplingPurple Dye
Rabbit HideFlint and SteelMagma BlockBig DripleafAcacia Hanging Sign


Bingo 2



Minecart with TNTCrossbowPacked MudSeagrassCherry Sapling
Acacia SaplingGreen DyeMinecart with FurnaceHay BaleSea Pickle
RailPumpkin SeedsHopperSweet BerriesMushroom Stew
Raw SalmonSnowCooked RabbitLecternCalcite
MelonCakeInk SacBone BlockExposed Cut Copper


25 Items in 25 Minutes



Mossy Stone BricksPistonFermented Spider EyeCracked Deepslate BricksPink Glazed Terracotta
Dripstone BlockPacked MudItem FrameMinecart with ChestSuspicious Stew
Block of RedstoneCherry SaplingTropical FishEnder PearlCooked Rabbit
Golden HoeAmethyst ShardInk SacStonecutterFlint and Steel
DispenserEmpty MapExposed Cut CopperArrowPumpkin Seeds




(suggested by DefectivePixels)

Suspicious StewGray DyePumpkin SeedsBucket of Tropical FishSnow
DeepslateBig DripleafLime DyeMinecart with ChestGunpowder
ScaffoldingMagma BlockTargetRedstone RepeaterGlow Ink Sac
Acacia Hanging SignBookBlue Trimmed Leather BootsMuddy Mangrove RootsFlower Pot
BrushSeagrassCyan DyeSpider EyeActivator Rail

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