Play Minecraft Bingo

Fetchr Weekly Challenge Seeds

There is a leaderboard now! Go to NeunEinser's Discord,
and use the /score command in the #bot-commands channel.

Version 5.1.1 for Minecraft 1.20.2

Friday 19 April 2024

Bingo 1


Fermented Spider EyeGreen DyeDried Kelp BlockEnchanted BookMoss Carpet
SnowCalciteMinecart with ChestSmokerItem Frame
Glass BottleMuddy Mangrove RootsSuspicious StewMagma BlockMilk Bucket
Pink Glazed TerracottaSea PickleLapis LazuliDead BushArrow of Slowness
EggSweet BerriesDripstone BlockTuffApple


Bingo 2


Bucket of SalmonCakeBrushMuddy Mangrove RootsHeart of the Sea
BrickFirework RocketDeepslate Tile WallPointed DripstonePink Petals
Diamond ShovelAppleSweet BerriesSpruce SaplingMagma Block
Empty MapSuspicious StewSnowMoss CarpetDispenser
Detector RailJack o'LanternMinecart with FurnaceOrange ConcreteLapis Lazuli


25 Items in 25 Minutes


Ink SacSmokerDead BushCakeRedstone Repeater
Sea PicklePacked MudBookshelfSweet BerriesPink Glazed Terracotta
Golden AppleBucket of CodArrowTuffJukebox
CrossbowCyan DyeSpruce SaplingSpyglassGreen Dye
Glow Ink SacRailHay BaleEnder PearlCocoa Beans




Dark Oak SaplingCooked RabbitSticky PistonCyan DyeCherry Sapling
Deepslate Tile WallEggDispenserBlock of AmethystMagma Block
Pointed DripstoneBrickBrushCompassMelon
Muddy Mangrove RootsEmeraldFletching TableInk SacFermented Spider Eye
Acacia Hanging SignActivator RailTargetSuspicious StewDiamond Shovel

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